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bullying piggie

21 13:45:42

We have 8 piggies in 2 cages and they all get on fine other than 'scruff'.She is such a bully.She will try to bite the others and pull their fur out,especially 'Blossom'.She will go after her more than any of the others and we just dont know what to do as Blossom is getting really scared of her.Our eldest piggie 'Dustbunny' tries to protect her but she cant be there all the time to help her We tried taking Scruff out of the cage and putting her in a 'naughty box(cat carrier).She seems to be ok when she goes back for a while then she starts again biting Blossom.Its really awful hearing Blossom squealing and she often gets taken out for a cuddle and just to give her a bit of peace. We love all our piggies but just dont know what to do. Scruff doesnt bite people!

first of all sorry for the long reply, I hadn't recieved a notification email.

bullying if a comon thing and there are a few causes and a few solutions.

first off the enviroment they are in. more pigs means more space is needed, depending on the size of your cage determines the number of guinea pigs your can keep. though the othyer four might get on well enough in the same sized hutch one guinea pig (scruffy) might feel a little two cramped. other things like only having one food dish and water bottle and hidey hole might also trigger more territorial problems.

if however they have plenty of room and you doubt that it is a territorial issue the best solutions are as follows.

scaring all of them together when they are in say a box in a moving car is always effective, especially if someone cleans out the hutch while they are being driven around and washes the hutch with a mild disinfectant. then they are more or less starting a new with a new smelling hutch and the memory that they felt safer by huddling together.
a bath is another common and effective method as is increased grazing and or floor time.

though it is very rare sometimes it can just be that as with humans a guinea pig does not want to be around others.scruffy might be one of those.
I know that im going to be sounding a little condescending but the two that are fighting the most are not both boys living with girls are they? if so then that will be the cause.