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General info

21 14:47:04

I am a first grade teacher who just had a guinea pig given to my class.  Because he has a club foot, the pet store would not sell him.  Right now he is being kept in an aquarium.  I would like to get him something better but don't know where to start.  Also, do they use exercise wheels? Any other advice for a first time owner would be greatly appreciated.



Hi there and congrats on your new cavy.  They are such wonderful pets.  The best cages I have found are at .  The cages are perfect, easy and cheap to make.  So your class could possibly help you with the job.  :)  Not sure if the pet shop told you but they can't stay in an aquarium long.  The amonia builds and it can kill them.  Also, do not use cedar bedding.  It can kill them over time.  Best of luck to you.  