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1st Time Owner And My Guina Pig Has Diarrhea

21 14:12:41

My Guinea Pig Has Diarrhea And I Really Don't Know Why. I Know Its Not The
Food.. So Is There Bacteria In Her Water? Is There Something I Can Give Her? I
Cleaned It Out Several Times But She Won't Drink It.. And Its Really Clean. What
Do I Do.. But It Just Started Today.. And She's Sitting In One Corner And I Have
Held Her And Cared For Her But She Won't Even Talk Or Squeak


I am so so sorry for just now getting back to you with a reply, work has had me doing over time.

Diarrhea is cause by a drastic change in diet or dehydration from lack of drinking water.

Make sure she has plenty of hay and is eating a lot of it, give her a little Pedialite or Dioralyte every hour from a dropper. Also give a little water from the dropper every time you give her a little Pedialite or Dioralyte. This will get her hydrated again and the Hay will help in getting the fiber back into the diet to help firm the poop.

She may not like the taste of the water, so try giving her filtered water or bottled water and see if that doesn't get her to drink more of it. Also call the vet and bring her in to see the vet.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,