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Depressed Guinea- wont eat/drink

21 13:48:59


Not too long ago, I had two guinea pigs. About a month ago, one of them passed away, leaving the other one all alone. I didn't notice it until two days ago that my other guinea pig is depressed and hasn't been eating or drinking. I thought she was eating less because there was only one guinea pig now and they consumed less. But when it came to the point where I noticed the food bowl wasn't being touched at all, I grew worried. I started playing with her more and I took her out to the lawn and noticed she didn't eat any grass. I gave her all kinds of fruits and veggies but she only nibbled on a tiny piece of apple, which isn't all that nutritious to begin with. I can't get her another playmate and I don't have enough money to take her to the vet. I crushed up her food pellets and mixed it with water to syringe feed her, but she wouldn't hold still long enough for my to squeeze much of anything out. She is terribly lethargic, sneezes, has white fluids coming out of her eyes, and diarrhea. I know those symptoms are terrible and there's probably not much left to do, but any kind of advise would be helpful. Could I syringe feed something other than pellets (which would be easier to squeeze out of the syringe) or provide her with toys or something to make her happier?

Thank you so much,

Sabrina, this is not depression because she lost her cagemate. It has nothing to do with needing another. She is very ill. When they stop eating and drinking, that's a danger sign. Lethargy is also a bad sign.  

First of all see if you can check her teeth. If the incisors are overgrown she cannot chew. If that's the case you need to have them trimmed. It's a simple task, but if you're inexperienced it would be difficult for you.

In the meantime you can get a product called Critical Care. It's a formula that contains all the calories and nutrients she needs to sustain her system. Once they stop eating and drinking they can go into system failure very quickly. She is very ill. The fluid coming out of the eyes is from stress and she's extremely stressed physically right now, perhaps to the point of malnutrition.

Cavies don't suffer depression such as you and I. And most certainly not after one month. Getting another pig would do no good at this point.  She needs a vet and quickly. Hopefully they can turn her around.  

If she's over four years old this may be just an aging thing, but I didn't get the impression she's that old.  Please get her examined asap.