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Ear problem

21 14:45:48

 OUr Guinea Pig has something wrong with its ear.  It looks as if it is dry, or peeling.  My wife thinks it might be something like mites, is that what it could be?  It doesn't complain, or scratch at its ear so I dont know if it bothers the Guinea Pig or not.  Please tell me anything you know.  Thank You!



Thank you for your question!

It is a possibilty of it being mites yes.

With ear mites the guinea pig may be seen scratching and shaking its head and the wax in the ears may appear dirty and reddish brown . A waxy residue resembling a dried sugary like substance has been described in some cavies,

These non burrowing mites chew and pierce the skin causing inflammation and multiple layers of thin, flaky crust . Underneath the crusts, the skin is hairless, moist and raw. The egg-to-egg life cycle requires approximately 21 days. This is usually accompanied with the guinea pig shaking and scratching it's head.

If left untreated they may cause secondary bacterial infections that could move into the inner ear or brain, causing torticollis. Torticollis is a movement disorder is a dysfunction of the brain. The symptoms are limited to intermittent or sustained contractions of the muscles around the neck which control the position of the head.

The other problem could be an infection of ringworm fungal spores. The symptoms are increased scratching of the ear and, upon examination, flakes of dead skin or white tidemarks can be seen along with crustiness. Crustiness can also spread to the face and around the eyes causing sore bald patches, if this is what it is.

Treatment for ringworm is usually griseofulvin or a topically applied cream such as ketoconzole.

Before taking a trip to vet in an event of mites. Using cat flea spray and or cat flea powder and cat flea and mite shampoo should help immensly. You can get these products at a petstore near you. Bathe the guinea pig in the shampoo. Clean the cage twice a week and spray the cage entirely, then the shavings and all obstacles in the cage excepts chews, food, treats and water. Then after the guinea pig has been bathed and blow dryed, spray the guinea pig's entire body till slightly damp running fingers through to ensure it gets to the skin.

If problem does not get better I do suggest a visit to the veterinarian.

Best Wishes
