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guinea pig suffered stroke not able to chew after

21 13:43:10

Good morning,
My neighbors guinea pig (5 years old) suffered a stroke some days ago, but recovered. The vet checked her, also her mouth and teeth, and gave her some medication. But she still is not able to chew her food. Somehow she does not know what to do. She does swallow from a syringe, looks good, is running around and makes her noises.
My neighbor had guinea pigs all her life, so is very familiar with problems. But we, including the vet, have no idea what to do next.
Are you able to help?

my first instinct answer was a problem with her teeth, but a vet and guinea pig vetren would have spotted that.

honestly im at a loss at what to do, you could try perhaps something like mushy peas that the pig will probably be able to try and eat herself, leaving it in a bowl for her and see if she can re-teach herself, but honestly thats about the only thing i can think of and that would be more an experiment rather than treatment.

all the best