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Eye infection?

21 13:43:57

Freckles eye
Freckles eye  
Hi, my female guinea pig freckles has something wrong with her right eye. She gets white crusties everyday more so on the right eye and today it was a lot of gooey stuff and the fur right near her eye is gone exposing grey skin. I'm really worried because she's my first gp so I have no expierience.

As distressing as it may seem there is nothing really wrong with the eye. It may be just dust from her bedding, but it's not an infection. Guinea pigs can get this just like we do. It's nothing serious.

Take a cotton ball dipped in warm water and gently wash over the eye with it. She will of course close her eye when you do this and that's what you want her to do. You just want to wipe of the crusties from the corner of the eye.