Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig is very sick

my guinea pig is very sick

21 14:34:04

my guinea poig was fine this morning and then i noticed she was laying down on her side and she wasnt able to even stand even when i try to stand her up myself, i have tried the vitamin c drops and water and she is still unable to stand up, because every time i try to stand her up she just falls back over. please help me A.S.A.P.!!!!

Hi Brittany,

You need to get your pig to the vet NOW. At the first sign of illness it is essential you get your pig to the vet; cavies hide their illness usually until it is quite advanced, making it much harder to treat.

It sounds as though he may have scurvy or other dietary deficiencies. He could have neurological problems, spinal could be almost anything. It is hard to tell without seeing him.

Vitamin C drops in the water are totally useless. The Vitamin C degrades within minutes in light and water. They then leave behind harmful chemicals which can make pigs ill. A diet full of hay, a high quality plain pellet and a good variety of nutritonal veggies gives them all the nutrients they need to stay as healthy as possible. No supplements are necessary; especially avoid adding anything at all to the water as it can cause much more harm than good.

Good luck and I hope you can get this treated quickly.

Best Wishes,

- Laura