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putting a young guinea pig with an old one

21 14:28:11

I have a female guinea pig that is six years old and I want to know if I can put a younger female guinea pig in the same cage together?

It really depends on the older pig's personality, if you do get another younger guinea pig though it needs to have a ressesive personality and not want to pick a fight with the older one. The best thing if possible would be to ask a rescue or breeder in your area if you could bring your older female with you to pick out a companion, that way you can be sure that your older female will like her. I have had pigs that will not get along with any other pigs, and I also have pigs that will become friends with any animal, so it just depends. I would be sure to have an extra cage ready though if they do not get along, unless you take the female to pick out a friend. Usually if guinea pigs don't get along with in about 5 minutes they never will. I would also get a pig that is not too young, maybe at least 5-6 months old, and very calm. If you have any more questions let me know.