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Nervous guinea pigs

21 13:51:43

Since a few days (10th of October), I have  got 2 little guinea pigs. They are both about 6 weeks old and female. At first, they were anxious and afraid, but when I picked them up and petted them, they would make noises of pleasure. They were very quiet and would eat a lot, so everything was fine. But since last Wednesday, they are very nervous! One guinea pig, Berry, makes squeaking noises all the time and runs around like she has gone mad. The other guinea pig, Nilla, gets nervous because of Berry's behavior and loses her temper and tends to bite at Berry, not too hard, just a 'warning bite'. However, after a few minutes, everything is fine between them and they will sleep together happily. A bit later, the nervous behavior will start all over again. Is there anything I can do to calm them down? I just want them to be happy and live together without problems!

Hello Ellen, I thinks it cool that you live in Belgium because I was born there but moved to Canada when I was 7 years old (wow 17 years ago!).

Well it is great that you opened ou heart to giunea pigs and it sure sound like you are a great owner if you are already asking questions.
I have two possibilitys for you, one is that they may have a tick or mite problem so check that out with the vet. Two, they may just be two silly and jumpy piggys, so it may just go away in a few weeks. My two piggys did that alot!

Thanks for asking,