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Orphan Babies and Lonely Father!

21 14:10:51

We have two orphan guinea pigs they are just a day old. Their mother died giving birth. We have fed them with evaporated milk and have had the honor of clean their bottoms. Are there any tips you could give us? Could we borrow a sow from our pet shop so she could be a role model for the babies?

Also the father is a bit lonely because we had to separate him from the love of his life whilst she was giving birth. What can we do?


Im terribly sorry to hear that, if you introduce a female they should adopt the babies, but she wont be able to feed them milk. You will have to keep feeding them, and after each feed dab a wet cotton bud around there private parts because that is what the mother does to make them go to the toilet. With the father, he will have to be lonely unless you neuter him and put him in the same cage with the new female after the bubs are older.