Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Long Road Trips

Long Road Trips

21 14:27:38

I am planning to go on vacation and I plan to drive.  I am going to be driving for approximately 18 hours.  I want to take my piggie, and I am familiar with their sensitivity but I have never taken my piggie on such a long journey.  I want to make sure I do everything possible to ensure his comfort.  What can you recommend?

Hello Janet,

I reccommend getting a decent sized cage you are able to carry safely in your car and that will be of suitable size to live in once he gets to where he's going unless you plan to take his regular cage along. The "My First Home" cages are great for this but can be a bit costly unless you currently have one. You can also use a large plastic storage container, though not ideal, they are suitable for short term housing if kept clean. If you plan to bring his cage along, but it must travel in the trunk or be torn down and he can't ride in it, a cat carrier is suitable for transport. The carrier should ride securely in the floor (do not direct the air conditioning to the floor if that is where he will be riding unless you use a towel or blanket to block it a bit) or in the seat next to a person, seat belted in if possible. Water and hay should be available at all times (pellets may be offered as well) and you should take short breaks periodically and let him out of the cage a bit for cuddles and to help relieve travel tensions. Don't leave your piggy alone in the car for any length of time. If you MUST go somewhere your piggy can not, take a duffle bag to smuggle him along or simply have someone wait outside with him. Though it is best if you just avoid that. Carry along a bit of his favorite veggies in a cooler to give to him during the break times or even in his carrier if he starts to get worried. Usually a yummy treat is enough to calm them down. If not, take a short break and let him out to recieve a bit of comfort. Don't forget to take along medical records if you have any as well as his general information (age, birthdate, weight, gender, breed, etc) in case you need it. If something happens and someone else needs to take him to the vet for some reason, they may not know this information, so it is good to have it written down. It's also good to carry a picture along. While pictures are usually more useful for finding lost dogs or cats, in theory it could help retrieve a lost piggy as well, especially if he is particularly friendly and it really doesn't hurt anything to carry it along. Oh, and if you are using a carrier that is not his normal cage, familiarize him with it before you go and use some of the bedding currently in his cage that has his scent on it to line the carrier. A few short trips in the carrier before you go will help get him used to it and make the longer car trip a bit less stressful. Also away make sure the carrier is out of direct sunlight or air conditioner flow (a blanket or towel is very useful for this). Things should go pretty smoothly over all as long as care is taken to make sure he is comfy. Good luck on you trip and I hope you and your piggy have a wonderful vacation together. Drive safe.
