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Mean Guinea pig

21 14:05:29


I have two male guinea pigs who have been together since birth. They are about 5 months old now and the one who was always really fat and always eating has suddenly stopped eating anything and his behavior has changed. Everytime I put him back in the cage the other male starts nuzzling him. I can't tell if he is nibbling on him or just smelling, but sometimes he'll bite his feet. I was wondering if this is a case of dominance? I don't know if the one guinea pig is sick or just being pushed around not to eat.

What are your thoughts?

This is a case of dominance you are right.
Now there are two things you can do,
1. leave them, they will get over it, as all piggies go through this stage as the mature, and  want to show the other one who is boss!
2. on the other hand if you have enough money to spare you can get them neutered it can be risky however it really calms them down, if you don't want to wait!

If his behavior doesn't calm, then i would try separate them, which is a bit of a sad thing to do! :(
