Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Swollen Ear - Blood

Swollen Ear - Blood

21 13:51:09

QUESTION: My daughter's pet developed a swollen ear about a week ago.  I have drained it three times now.  In each case the fluid was not infected but contained blood.  This last time I thought, let's wait.  After three days the ear was warm to the touch and firm.  It did not appear to be tender.  I again drained it with the same result.  

We are not in a financial position to take the pet to the vet.  Any ideas or suggestions?

ANSWER: Hello Preston!
Please be more specific - Was the whole ear swollen, or just a small area and is it the small area that you drianed (like a syst). Please message me back so that I may help you further.
Sorry for the wait, as it apparetly is busy season for giunea illness!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Swollen Ear
Swollen Ear  
QUESTION: I appreciate you taking the time.  I am out of ideas, so thank you.

It is the whole ear.  I first thought cyst as well.  However, without the smell of infection I didn't think that would be the problem.  I have thought about draining the ear again and trying to apply pressure, but the "leak" into the ear is very slow.  The ear fills up over a 24-48 hour period.

I have attached a pic for your reference.

That is terrible!
I searched but nobody apparently has ever had this problem and written or posted about it!
I suggest taking it to the vet ASAP if not sooner. It might be a pollup or a tumor, it also might be benine so do not freak out you daughter with this information. This has gotten serious and MUST be taken care o9f by an exotics vet! This piggy is obviously hiding some sort of pain!