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Guinea Pig Eye Problem

21 13:45:55

Wheeky\'s Eye
Wheeky's Eye  
I have a 2 yr old male guinea pig.  Yesterday I noticed something in his eye.  After taking a closer look, it almost appeared that his upper eyelid was inside out.  He doesn't seem bothered at all by it.  The pic isn't very clear, but the thing is flat, pinkish, and not always there.  Sometimes it is up under the eyelid.  What could this be and what do I need to do, if anything?

Pea Eye
Pea Eye  
It may be just a form of what we call Pea Eye. It's a sagging of the eyelid that allows the conjunctive tissues underneath to show through. That usually occurs in the lower lid. He may have injured himself by scratching, but I think this is more of a natural occurrence that is not harmful.

The fact that it's not always there is a sign that it's most likely nothing but cosmetic. If it doesn't get worse and doesn't bother him I would leave it alone. If you feel that it's bothering him or is getting worse, take him for a quick exam at the vet.

Here's a picture of a typical pea eye. It's a harmless condition that is genetically passed. In wild cavies this never existed because their noses were longer and more pointed. Years of breeding for a smaller more bunny like head has caused this to become a problem in many pigs. It's another example of how we humans try to change nature to fit our preferences.