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Constipation in Guinea Pig

21 13:47:07

I am using the Terromycin ointment for his eye and a eye gel that is supposed to be soothing, a lubricant and helps with the itching. Fingers crossed there.

I have had the rescue pig for over a year now and my other one still wants to mate with him. I will try moving his house out and see if that works. Going to start giving him extra alone floor time to encourage movement.

I hate having to disimpact him and he was alot worse then the pic you posted. I am checking him every other day right now hoping to prevent it from getting bad again. One of the website I found about this subject suggested the olive oil. I am only giving him an eye dropper every other day to see if it helps. I hate to think he is setting there in pain and that could have helped him.

Thanks for replying :)

The olive oil is more effective if put in the rectal sac.  That lubricates the area allowing the stool to slide out. The oil given orally is not going to help move what's stuck in the sac. Internal oil is meant to help move it from the bowel. It's already out of the bowel and is in the "holding tank."

Don't be afraid to flush that sac. You can see by the look on my pig they don't mind it at all. It's painless and takes only a few minutes.

The mounting behavior is normal and may be more of a dominance behavior that actual mating, although "boys are boys" and are always thinking about that. If they otherwise get along I don't think I'd separate them, unless of course you have plenty of cage space and it's not inconvenient to do so.