Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guina pig bites

my guina pig bites

21 13:47:07

when my guina pig bites he draws blood and i dnt know why he bites me

First of all, I am wondering how you pick your pet up and remove him from the cage. If he doesn't like the way you are removing him, the bite is his communication to you.  Always use two hands and don't like him feel off balance. Then you should start with petting him on the head. He will arch his back and bring his head up to your hand.  Also, never grab or begin petting from behind.  That is like someone grabbing you from behind,disconcerting!  Also, keep your fingers away from his mouth. Finally, try to feed him by hand first carrots and apples, then grapes etc.  if he does pull forward to bite,MOVE YOUR HAND QUICKLY. Then from in front tap his nose and tell him NO, NO BITING!