Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinie isnt feeling well

my guinie isnt feeling well

21 14:18:51

my guinea hurt her leg some how and she isn't eating well and is losing weight also she is beading i don't know if she has her period or if it is coming from her rectum.
also can i give her a bath she has a lot of dry junk stuck to her . she is only 6 mnths old

Hello Jennifer,

You piggy needs to see a vet right away. She sounds like she may have a uterine infection or possibly an infection in her digestive tract that is causing the bleeding. The pain from the infection could be causing her to walk funny too. She needs antibiotics and you can only get them from a vet. If it is an infection, she will likely die without treatment. There are other possiblities too (internal injuries from a possible fall, ovarian cysts, tumors, etc) but anything that could be causing her symptoms needs a vet because they are all life threatening and unfortunantly there is little you can do at home. Piggies don't have periods. They go into heat and they don't actually bleed, so any blood coming from that area is a serious problem. Yes, you can bath your piggy with Guinea Pig or rabbit shampoo or, if you can't find those, baby shampoo is save too. You should wait until she is well though because she could get sick because it will weaken her immune system too much to have a bath right now. Good luck with your girl. I hope she will be well soon. I'll be praying for her.
