Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > adding another piggie

adding another piggie

21 14:08:25

We bought our son a male guinea pig about 3 weeks ago, he's friendly and gets a lot of attention when my son gets home from school.  (I will take him out too with my younger son during the day) But after reading up on how social guinea pigs are, I feel guilty not having a friend for him.  I put my cockatiel's cage right next to his so they can see each other, but I read guinea pigs don't see so well.  My concern is if I put another male guinea pig in the cage he's in now will they fight.  I don't have enough room for two cages with one piggie in it.  Can a guinea pig be happy with just human contact?  Also, I'm glad I read that you should not give oranges every day... The pet store said I should.  I can see how that could cause acid.

Hi Melinda

Guinea pigs are very social animals an will like attention fromn other guinea pigs rather than humans.
But they do still like human attention to so always spend time with him.

A adult male guinea pig will fight with another adult male but if you get a baby male then they should be ok but it depends on the the guinea pigs temprement but they should be fine

Hope this helps Good Luck
