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if these foods are ok

21 14:47:20

I just got a guinea pig a couple of days ago for a present. I don't really know what to feed them. I've been feeding him guinea pig food, but also have been feeding him, carrots, lettuce, and apples. Are these ok to be feeding him? What other things can I feed him that is ok for him?

Hello David.

Congradulations on your new pig.

Your right in feeding him the pellets. He also needs to eat hay everyday. There should always be hay in cage with him. It helps his digestive system, keeps him from being bored, keeps him busy, and the chewing grinds down his teeth that constantly grow. Hay can be bought at any pet store. It should be timothy hay.

He (your pig) cannot produce any vitamin c in his body, like us humans. So veggies are important because we need to supply him with vitamin c. Carrots are good. Apples are good but don't give them to him everyday. If you give your pig too much sugar, he can get diabetes. Just give him fruit a couple times a week. Lettuce is good, but not the kind of lettuce that we use in salads. That lettuce (called iceburg) can give your pig diarrhea. Give me some romaine lettuce.

Here's a little list of some things you can feed your pig.
1. Chard (swiss or red)
2. Dandelion greens
3. Parsley
4. Cilantro
5. Spinach (raw)
6. Collard greens
7. Green pepper

If you go to this website, they have a list of veggies.

Also, as a side note. I know you just got your pig, but you should consider getting him a friend. It would have to be a little baby for them to get along best. Guinea pigs can become bored or lonely without enough attention. In the wild, they are used to running in pacts of 10-15 pigs, so they enjoy the company of other pigs. Just a thought.

Here's another website that can help you with cage ideas / toys.
Most guinea pig cages aren't big enough for the guinea pig to play around in. There are cages on that site that are cheap, and very large.

Hope this helps. Good luck with your pig.
Christy :)