Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > I am having a hard time to pick my cavies up...

I am having a hard time to pick my cavies up...

21 14:18:47

I held them, and they seemed adorable and easy to handle. Once, they arrived to my home and reside on new cages. They acted totally different. They kept escaping and snapping on me. I couldn't hold them anymore. They hated to be held. I felt so scared and sad. I am very disappointed. Please help! How can I make them to trust me? My sister who visited me once a month, she suggested me to whistle so they would come and trust me. I am Deaf so I don't know how to whistle. Can I make any special noise so they would recognize me? Please help me again!


There are several different noises you can make so they know it is you. You can click your tongue against your teeth, or you can snap your figures, or even lightly clap your hands. Just do one of those sounds when around their cage. Then let them smell your hand for a few minutes. This way they can tell it is you and began to develop that bond of trust. You may want to put a rag in the cage that contains your scent on it, this way they will know your smell and that you are a friend and not a foe. After allowing them to smell your hand for a time go ahead and pet them, this way they will know you mean them no harm. It will take a while of doing this before they are totally sure of you. But they'll calm down and start to trust you in a few days. It'll should only take about a week or so before they feel comfortable with you picking them up and such. When picking them up have an old towel handy and once you have them out of the cage put it under them, draw up the sides of the towel up their sides, this will let them feel safe and secure when you are holding them so they will be less scared when being held.

It is going to take sometime and dedication on your part to work with them. But the joys at the end out weigh every thing else. Guinea Pis are great pets once the have a bond of trust with their owner.

Good Luck to you,
        Take Care,