Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > hurt Giunea Pig

hurt Giunea Pig

21 14:26:39



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Question -
My four year old son threw our pig the other day.  I turn around in time to see him decend through the air and land on his feet.  He was a little turned when he landed.  Right away I could see that he was no longer using his hind legs or feet.  They would just drag behind him.  It has been a few days and he is starting to use his feet again but is still not able to move to much.  He is moving to eat and drink but then just choice to lay aroung the rest of the time.  I don't think it is his feet that are hurt and causeing this.  I am afraid it is his back or hips.  do you have any suggestions.  I called a few vets and found it hard to find one that would see a guinea pig.  When I did I was sad to realize how much it would cost.  I just don't have the money to take him in to be seen.  He was given to us for free so my children could have a pet.  I would love to get him well but if he is not going to be able to recover I don't want him to suffer either.  What can or should I do?

Answer -
Hi Ronda,

First of all, know that its a very good sign that your piggy has started to walk again, even though its only a little - that means that he  PROBABLY hasnt got extensive damage in his back legs. If he's starting to recover, that is a very good sign - my advise would be to give it about 10-14 days more and watch his progress- the likelihood is that his muscles were damaged and perhaps his legs bruised, rather than anything being broken.

However, his doesnt completely that there is a possibilty that he has badly damaged his back or hips. I would give it a while longer, and if his condition does not improve, the obvious advise would be to take him to the vet, although I realise this isnt really an option for you. But m pretty certain he's just bruised himself badly or pulled a muscle, and should recover with some TLC and with some time. By the sounds of it, he was a very lucky piggy ;).

However, if he'sobviously in excrutiating pain, squealing a lot, etc, and stops eating and drinking, then the best option would be to have him put to sleep, rather than have him suffer, as this behaviour would mean he's quite badly injured.

I hope I was able to help

Jo x

Thank you very much for your quick responce.  I was glad to read that you don't think it is life threatning.  He has never showed signs of extream pain.  In fact the same night after it happened he was eating away on his hay like always, just not able to move so I had to help him.  Today he is getting around his cage.  He can use his legs but he is not all the way up on them yet.  His bottom is dragging a little.  But he has not complained much at all.  He just doesn't like to be fussed with.  I am the only one handleing him right now.  He is off limits to the kids.  My 6 year old who he really belongs to and loves the most in our family is hopfull that he will pull through.  She asks me everyday if he is getting better and want to hold him and feed and love on him.  Would you let her hold, feed and love on him or not?  Thanks so much for all your help.  We truly are thank-ful.  r Loehr

Hi Ronda,

It is a very good sign that your piggy is up and about. Im sure he'll be fine. Like I said before, he's probably just pulled some muscles or bruised them, and this is what's causing the injury. Im glad to say it sounds like he'll be better in no time :).

I think it would be OK for your 6 year old to handle him, as long as it is supervised at first - although the guinea pig is recovering well, he still needs to be handled vcery carefully and gently to make absolutely sure he is in no discomfort.
Maybe when he is alot better, she can start playing and cuddling him on a more regular basis, perhaps unsupervised.

(Obviously, it may be best to just let the 4-year-old stroke the piggy for a while, not handle him. Maybe you can gradually teach and introduce him as to how to handle the piggy, so he has a good understanding of handling him (or other pets,) in the future.

I hope I was able to help! ;)
