Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Should I get another Guinea Pig?

Should I get another Guinea Pig?

21 14:23:04

Hello Kat,

I have a male Guinea Pig at home called Eddie.  He is about 6 months old. He loves cuddles and running around on the floor and especially eating! Recently I have been thinking about getting another Guinea Pig only I do not want to get a girl as I am told she is likely to fall pregnant, and I dont want that! But I have also been told that male Guinea Pigs tend to fight one another. My Guinea Pig has a friendly and gentle nature however occassionally when he gets excited and starts pop corning he nips at me! They are never nasty bites just little nips.  I was wondering if you think it would be a good idea to get another male Guinea Pig if Eddie is likely to nip? And also if its true that a male and female will mate all the time!? I'm not prepared to look after little babies if I got a female and she fell pregnant, nor get Eddie desexed. Are you also able to give me some tips as to how to introduce Eddie and the new male Guinea Pig if I were to get one? And when is the right time for them to share a cage together? I really appreciate your help with my query.

Sarah : )

Hello Sarah,

You will have alot of babies and probably a dead mother if you get a female to share his cage. Guinea Pigs can become pregnant again within a few hours after giving birth, and if done repetitvely, will kill the mother. You are right to think this is a bad idea. Some males do fight but most, if proper care is taken, can live with a cagemate. I recommend getting a young pup between the ages of 4 and 8 weeks. Quarantine the new pup before introducing him, 2 - 4 weeks is the recommended time for quarantine. Then introduce them on neutral ground. Clean the cage they are to share thoroughly and remove any scent of the current boar. Put alot of veggies out before you introduce them to be a distraction. Typically the more passive boar will start munching and soon so will the other. If they are getting along well in the neutral ground, it's safe to put them in the cage. Plan this for a day that you can stay home with them all day and monitor their behavior to make sure they are getting along ok. If they are hurting each other and blood is being drawn, separate them and leave them apart, they aren't compatible. Good luck!
