Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > bald flaky spots on guinea pig back

bald flaky spots on guinea pig back

21 14:23:52

Hi there, I am very concerned about my guinea pigs, as I noticed a couple of bald spots with flaking on my male guinea pig, Squeak (he shares a hutch with his son, Brownie-Mo, and he's about 3 and a half). The spots were on his lower back. Then I saw the exact same on Darla (My only girl guinea pig, she's about 1 and a half, and lives alone). (All my guinea pigs have straw, and live in an outside hutch, they all eat grass, apples, and carrots). Then, a few days later, I saw that Darla's bald spot was bigger, and bleeding (unsure whether bleeding was because she was scratching herself, or maybe something to do with her hutch). I am worried whether they have some sort of parasite, or hutch condition. Their straw gets changed every week or so.  

Hello Kezi,

It sounds like your pigs may have a fungal infection.I would make a trip to the vet to confirm whether or not it is fungal (and not mites) and get treatment. Typically treatment for a fungal infection is baths in medicated shampoo or administering an antifungal topical cream or ointment.
