Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Crazy piggy

Crazy piggy

21 13:50:37

picture of Coco
picture of Coco  
QUESTION: Hello, well I recently got a female guinea pig, her name is Coco and I was asking my mom if female guinea pigs need a male guinea pig,(husband) to have babies,any idea?

This is my late piggy.
This is my late piggy.  
ANSWER: Hello Sofia!
Yes, guinea pigs do need a male to have babies. Only 6% of the worlds animals can self-produce. Guinea pigs are in the 94% who do need a male's sperm to have children.
Coco is absolutely adorable ;)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello me again well I have another question, when I take my guinea pig out (Coco) of her cage she doesnt let me grab her. I struggle a little bit to take her out and then when I want to put her back inside half-way inside her cage she wants to get out of my hands immediantly. Why does she do that?

This is very normal, she instinctually afraid of you and will run away until the day she dies (a long time). Guinea pigs are very low on the food chain, so natturally they would be afraid of things (you) who are bigger than them. I still have to chase my piggy around and she is four years old. I am afriad there is nothing u can do.