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Sick pig

21 13:48:19

Thank you for your insight into the Osteodystropy issue regarding my little little satin pig. I was wondering what her life expectentcy would be with this terrible bone disorder going on?  Is there any studies on how long a pig might live once they're diagnosed? I did a little research about it and it doesn't give much hope. Is there anything I can do to make her time more comfortable while she's still with me?

Osteodystrophy is not usually detected until a cavy is about a year old. Unfortunately that's the age when they've usually been bred, which is why it's passed on without knowing it. Most pigs begin to show symptoms at one year and they are progressive. They generally get worse for the next year, leaving the animal nearly crippled by the age of two. There is nothing yet known that will ease the symptoms.

The whole process is one of a calcium absorption problem. They don't properly utilize or process the calcium they take in, hence the bones begin to suffer the calcium loss. There have been studies in Europe to see if giving heavy doses of calcium made a difference.  It did not. Giving supplements did not work either, usually because the problem wasn't detected until the damage was done and it is irreversible.

Talk to your vet about pain management.  He may have something to offer that might help.