Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Fleas/Lice


21 13:50:27

 I just have been given a 4 week old guinea pig from a lady, tonight we noticed that it has either fleas or lice and need to know what to treat it with and how to handle our animals and house with this also. I am worried about the young age of the cavy and any health problems this can bring on.

Hello Kari!
Taking her to a vet is a must. The vet can properly diagnose it with lice, fleas or mites. A basic round of anti-biotics and a preventional shot for future problems. Get the vet to do a check up on its other problems to if this woman gave you a sick piggy. A check on its blood, heart rate, temperature, skin, fur, teeth and genitals is mandatory.