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Guinea pigs memory

21 14:42:27

Dear Christina

I would like to know whether guinea pigs have good memories and how good their sight is as well as how strong their other senses are.  Also can guinea pigs tell who their owners are? Either through smell or hearing their voices.  I have a eight month old male called Pebbles who is very cute!  Hope you can answer my questions
Yours sincerely


Hello Clare.

Their memories can be pretty good, and that is pretty much based on their senses. Their sight is just okay, but their sense of smell and hearing is very good. Guinea pigs can learn their owners walk and know when the owner is walking towards them. They can also identify you by smell, and most of all, by your voice. Of all the senses, the sight is the worst, but still not terrible. Did you know that guinea pigs see in color?

Pebbles is an adorable name for a guinea pig. I miss having babies in the home but i love my senior piggies  :)

Hope this helps.