Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Boy and Girl Guinea Pigs

Boy and Girl Guinea Pigs

21 13:53:31

Hello, Laura! I have a couple of questions to ask you. My first one is that I have to guinea pigs that were bought one week apart and are not siblings. One is a female and the other one I am not sure because I don't have the correct scale and she hates to be picked up and laid on her back, but all I know is that he/she does not have nipples while the other one does. Is she a girl? Or a boy? Also, I noticed that the one without nipples likes to try to mount the other one with nipples which she really gets annoyed about. The one without nipples is also trying to run the cage... will they ever get along? Thanks... Theresa

Hi Theresa, you can sex your guinea pig what you want to do is pick the piggy up, put one hand under its arms and one on its bottom while holding the piggy place your thumbs on its lower stomach and lightly press. If it is a girl you will see a "V" shape if it is a boy a penis will come out. If your piggy turns out to be a male make sure he is neutered just so you can prevent any unwanted pregnancies. Guinea pigs (no matter what sex) will mount each other it's to prove dominance the same way male dogs do. Your guinea pigs might get along but one has to be dominant.
Hope this helps