Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > housing,bedding


21 14:43:55

Hi,I am not very familiar with guinea pigs,I have had mine for only 2 mths.I live in st.croix u.s.v.i and because this island is very little and very limited of pet stores my biggest prblem is finding the ideal cage for my piggie,so I was wondering if you could give me an idea on how to make a simple cage that can probably house 2 piggies because I am planning to get (cookie)a playmate.   My other question is what type of bedding should I use for the piggy that wouldn't affect it in anyway,because i've heard of care fresh for the perfect bedding but ofcourse we do not have it in this island.please help me...thanks

Hello Glenda has great ideas for a cage they dont need to be as big as they say thou since most people dont have room for such large cages, yuo can also put them in large foot tall or a little taller see trough rubbermaid or other brand storage containers you dont need to put a lid on unless you have other animals that might bother them, if you do have other animals you can make a lid out of wood and wire simply make a wooden frame to fit the top then staple the cut wire to it. For bedding I reccomend yesterdays news cat litter or pelleted wood cat or rodent bedding, I have had carefresh before and it is very dusty.