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Seprating Pigs

21 14:29:46

We just bought two gunea pigs and we fear that one may be a boy
and one may be a girl.  If this is the case and our girl Pickels get
pregnant is it a good idea to have the boys in one cage and the
girls in another cage,  but close enough for them to see each other
and talk to each other?

Hi Holly,

You need to separate them now, if you are unsure of the sex of them. Get a cavy-savvy (often exotics) vet to check their sexes, and also have a look on the internet for websites which show how to sex a guinea pig.

Chances are, if one is a boy, then the female is pregnant. The boy needs to be removed from the female immediately - if the sow is not already pregnant then she most likely will become so if she stays with her friend. If he stays with her during and after the birth, then he can and probably will impregnate her very shortly after birth, which is dangerous to the mother in terms of her health.

It will be fine to have boys in one cage and girls in another, but personally I wouldn't keep the cages right next to each other - in the same room would be fine provided there is no way the boys and girls can mix and that the boys don't end up fighting when they smell the girls.

Best Wishes,

- Laura