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I though my piggy was pregnant

21 13:47:41

Was my guinea pig ever pregnant?
You see i bought 2 gp on 5/12/11 (they were 7wksold) and had every intent on breeding them. I assumed she had become pregnant somewhere between 07/12/11-07/20/11. It is now what I assumed to be close to end or the end of the pregnancy and now I am starting to think that it
was a false alarm :(

Also I read that if the gp had miscarried that i would have seen the fetus awhile ago with some evidence of blood left behind...I this true? I have felt her belly as well and it feels like little fetus is in there but it just seems like she has been pregnant so long:(

Also I have separated her from her cage mate and even now if I put them together she kicks him from the food bowl & water bottle and sometimes out of the little igloo. I am so confused.So was this a false? alarm or should I wait her out?
And thank you in advance for entertaining my silly question:)

The gestation for a guinea pig is 70 days, give or take a few days.  So if she got pregnant during the time you think she did she still wouldn't be due until the end of Sept. You don't say why you think she conceived during that time. If the boar was the same age he was most likely not sexually mature enough to have impregnated her.  

She may still be pregnant and only in her first few weeks. So don't give up on the idea. Guinea pigs don't breed like rabbits do. If you put the back end of a doe to the front end of a buck you will have babies in 30 days.  That's because rabbits are spontaneous ovulators, meaning they will instantly come into estrus, produce a follicle and conceive.

Cavies don't function that way. They don't come into heat on a regular basis and the boars take longer to become sexually mature than the sows. You can have them together for weeks before conception takes place.

As far as having a spontaneous abortion of the litter, yes you would see immature fetuses. Chances are greater than not that she is just not far enough along for you to know for sure. You could be right that you are feeling a baby. The typical litter is only two or three pups, sometimes more. A first litter is generally fewer.

I am interested though, why are you wanting to breed them that young? And are these purebred pigs of the same breed and variety or did you just want to have babies? Typically the sow should be six to eight months old before breeding. That way she's hopefully grown to adult size.

You'll just have to wait it out at this point. When you are sure she is pregnant and you feel babies move you can safely assume that she will litter in another two or so weeks. Until then it's a guessing game.