Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Re: Not Urinating Guinea Pig

Re: Not Urinating Guinea Pig

21 14:19:57


I have my pet guinea pig, named LeeLee, and she is about 5 years old.  She has always been very healthy and happy.  I have noticed that in the last 2 days she seems to have stopped urinating as much if she does it at all.  She also seems not to be pooping as much.

She is still eating her lettuce, carrots, timothy hay, and her guinea pig food.  I have read about impaction and I don't know if this is the problem, or what I can do for this.

I will be honest and I don't have the money to take her to the vet, and is there somthing that can be done over the counter.  Thank you for your help.

Hi janette, i am very sorry to hear that about your guinea pig.  I am also sorry to tell you that there is no over the counter medication to take for this.  You will have to take her to the vet, or as a cheaper alternative you could see if there is a veterinary university around your city and see if they hold free clinics.
Best of luck