Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Dragging Hind Legs :(

Dragging Hind Legs :(

21 14:09:49

QUESTION: Hello, I noticed this morning that our 4yr old GP was dragging her hind legs..with further investigation, I found out my daughter dropped her! She is eating and drinking, just dragging her hind legs..every so often I see he attempt to use the right one, but doesn't. She doesn't seem to be in pain. I am able to pick her up..she is not crying. Although, she has been a bit on the quiet side. Do you think she broke something?

Thanks in Advance!


I doubt she has broken anything or she would squeal when you picked her up. Get her checked by a vet though.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Andy!

That's the problem, I don't know or have a vet for her..she was adopted and has been a perfect pet since then..never thought to look into a vet for her..I guess in hind sight..kinda stupid :(....have you heard of her situation before? Do you think she is bruised or maybe paralyzed? What kind of test would be done to determine what is wrong? I did read about vitamin I ran out and got her some of those...she was playing with me this morning..making her eek eek sound...just not greeting me like she normally does...standing and squeaking. I did notice her one eye appears a tad fogged??? But all in all..still eating, drinking and playing..just not like she used too :(

Hi Gina

If you hadnt told me that your daughter dropped the piggy, I would have suggested that calcium deficiency was a likely cause of the problem. However, seeing as she was dropped, it seems 99% certain that this was the problem.

A vet would simply examine the legs and probably prescribe anti-inflamatory medecines. Any vet should be able to do this as its not a problem specific to exotic pets such as guinea pigs.


P.S Please keep me posted.