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fruit and vegies piggies

21 14:18:35

I just wanted to know if there are any fruit or vegies that I shouldn't give them, I was told that iceberg lettuce wasn't good for them...I've searched the internet and they all say different things, and I never found things like zucchini or brussel sprouts, are they alright? I've also read that fresh herbs are good for them, are they all good or only a few? I'd really like any help you can offer..thank you

Hello Veronica,
Personally, I wouldn't feed anything that you wouldn't eat yourself. I can give you a link that has good advice on what to feed but as far as what not to feed I can't really think of anything. Generally a lot of people will write down from experience on what's good to give guinea pigs and what guinea pigs seem to like more. I don't know if they will like zucchini or brussel sprouts, I know I don't lol, but you can try and see if your guinea pig likes it.  The two links that I provide give you the most common things to give a guinea pig. I would feed more veggies than fruits though because even though it's a natural sweet treat sugar can cause diabetes. That's the only thing I would truly worry about is feeding too many fruits. Feed about a cup of veggies/fruits a day if you want. Be sure to introduce them slowly to prevent upset stomach. I hope this helps. :-)