Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > place to hide

place to hide

21 14:44:00

Hi, I've got 2 gp's one's 9 months old, and the other is 7 weeks old(only had her for a few days). My oldest gp has been using cereal and kleenex boxes to hide in, but I find that he's in there too much, well, pretty much always... would it be bad to take his hiding box away? should I do it gradually? or should I just leave them as is? Thanks

Hello Claire.

Guienea pigs do need an area to feel safe in. It is good to have at least one hidey hole for each of them to run to. The key to having a much more open pig is having time with them. Every day conversing (talking through cage, playing) and giving them lap time. They do like their privacy, but once they feel more comfortable, there is a good chance your piggy will come out more often to see you.

Hope this helps.