Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Volunteering to be an Expert

Volunteering to be an Expert

21 13:50:09

Hello Aleksandra,
I have tried for ages to volunteer to be an expert in this area, but All Experts keeps rejecting me. Do you know how I can apply to become an expert in this area, and not get rejected? Can you give me your password and username so I can help you answer questions?

Go to the guinea pigs page and click "Volunteer in this category." You then need to enter in your name, email address and a few other details. I think you need to be at least over 21 to be an expert so maybe it is your age that is not allowing you to be an expert. You then need to give a description about "What kinds of questions can you and can't you answer?", for example you can answer questions about breeding and bringing up guinea pigs but not questions about guinea pig medical treatment. You are then required to answer "Your experience in the area" and you could say something like, I have owned guinea pigs for several years, bred them and medically treated some of them with home, natural methods (etc.) You then have to talk about your "Educational credentials" so for example, you got 3 A* GCSE science, studied A level biology and are now studying into animal nursing (Etc.) There are other questions to also answer but these are the only specified ones that you HAVE to answer. You then need to enter in a code and you should be receiving a reply in a few days. Sometimes they don't let people through if there are already too many experts in that category.
I think it would be unwise for me to give you my email and password as that may mean you are able to access my other documents, as this is not a private conversation others would also be able to access my account. Sorry.
I hope this helps and good luck :)