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health care

21 14:46:48

my guinea pig, chitters, has a patch on his back where he lost some hair.  you can see the skin, but also there are some sores.  i've been looking on-line about all sorts of bugs, but nothing seems to match up.  he is not itching it or biting at it.  he isn't having convulsions or anything else.  please try to help me.  thank you.


Thank you for your question!

From what it sound like it could be mites. What you described is almost identical to the problem my guinea pig had. Loosing skin, sores, and mine had dandruff. Check to see if yours has dandruff.

What you should do, go to your nearest pet store and purchase some cat flea spray, clean your guinea pigs cage thorougly, spray the bottoms, walls sides, shavings, blocks and so forth with this spray, of course not their food, chews, treats and water.

Give your guinea pig a bath in the sink and blow dry him, then spray him till he is slightly damp all over.

With this spraying you should do it once - twice a week for 3 or more weeks.

This should help the problem and the scabs will begin to heal, and the fur will grow back and so forth. It certainly worked for me.

Polysporin cream is safe to put on the sores if you are worried about those.

Best Wishes
