Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my guinea pig knocks his food bowl over

my guinea pig knocks his food bowl over

21 14:28:03

hello laura.
my guinea pig buster , ive only had him a few months, but he continuously knocks over his food bowl. i dont know why. also i have another question, my guinea pig seems too not like me i treat him well i play him at least once aday im not sure what this means. thank you

Hi Sara,

I can't see any reason why your guinea pig doesn't like you. What does he do that suggests to you that he doesn't like you? Running away is very normal - guinea pigs were preyed on in the wild so it's an instinct carried over and practiced in all guineas today. If he nips, nibbles or bites you, there is a reason for it. Pain, fear, needing to pee, uncomfortableness and shock can cause piggies to bite you.

Knocking over the food dish is easily solved by using a different type of dish. Heavier ceramic dishes are much more preferable to plastic dishes. You can buy dishes meant for other animals, and you can use these to put your piggie's food in. Personally I use ceramic oven dishes, normally used for cooking human food. The dish never gets tipped over, despite having four big piggies often leaning on it all at once.

If you want any more help, let me know and I will be glad to assist.

Best Wishes,

- Laura