Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > do guinea pigs see

do guinea pigs see

21 14:29:54

can guinea pigs see

Hi Kerry,

Yes, guinea pigs can see.

Their eyes are placed on the sides, rather than the front, of their heads so they have a view of what is behind them as well as in front and to the sides of them. This is a characteristic which has come about due to guinea pigs being so low down in the "food chain"; because they are preyed upon so much they need a better view of what's around them, so they need to have a rounder view to look out for themselves.

The range at which they can see clearly is considered to be around 15-20 cm - after that it tends to be more blurry, making it difficult for them to judge distances (one reason to be very aware of your piggies safety when held at height).

Whether cavies can see colour isn't really known. Some people are adamant that their guineas can, see and recognise colours; some people are simply unsure. The "hidden treats in the coloured bowls" test is usually inaccurate, due to a guinea pigs' other very powrful senses (in particular, smell).

Guinea pigs can have many different eye problems, so be sure to check the eyes every day to be sure that there are no discharges, crusties, wateriness, objects in the eye, injuries or simply any abnormalities. Cavies can go blind - and can be born blind - but many blind piggies manage just fine.

I hope I gave you the answers you were looking for.

Best Wishes,

- Laura