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Piggie Health Problems

21 14:24:44


Thanks for the super-quick response!

He's a little more active (I had actually mushed up pellets with water and orange juice {freshly squeezed} to force feed him with a syringe).  It seems like he is hungry but can't really eat.  My mom said something about an impaction (that's what my grandma died from earlier this year) and his stomach is it's normal size..but I can feel his hip bones.  It's kind of scary.  I'm going to try to contact a vet tomorrow to see about getting him in though.

How do you check for an impaction?

I'm about to go feed him a little more again.  And thanks again :)

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You helped me out so much last time, I just had to come back..:)

How are you?  My piggie has the same thing again, only this time it's worse.  I noticed it last night when I was feeding him.  None of his food was gone this morning, and he was much more weak today than last night.  We don't have an exotic vet around here that I know of my close friends knows of one, but she lives a bit of a ways away.  Anywho, here are his symptoms this time around..

Very weak
his hair lost its sheen
his cage and himself smell really really bad and I just cleaned them very recently
He hasn't lost his appetite really; he puts the effort into stealing carrots like he usually does, but doesn't have nearly enough energy to eat it.  Or move around at all.
Thirsty but can't get to the water. (see above)
his right eye looks like he's been crying.
he has crusties in his right nostril.

His teeth look fine, I just trimmed his nails so they are good too, I changed his bedding again today as well.  He is trembling, so it seems as if he has a fever or something similar, and he is out of it unless one of his senses are provoked.  I was feeding him orange juices diluted with water from a syringe, he was drinking that fine.  He was also drinking water fine (Well, as fine as a sick pig can..).  I tried giving him carrots, and that didn't go too well.  I left for driver's training an hour and a half ago, came back about 15 minutes ago, and he's in the same exact spot, but some of the carrot slivers I left him are gone.

Even if there were an exotic vet around here, I'm not sure my parents would be willing to take such a small pet to one as it would cost a lot of money.  Any help would be greatly appreciated, and once again, sorry for the lengthy question!

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How are you?  I have had my male piggie for a little over 4 years now.  He's always been squeamish to pick up, but doesn't mind being held or petted.  Our house has had the flu going around recently, and I think my piggie had a Guinea Pig version of the 24 hour flu or something..Two days ago he was very very weak, was walking funny, his eyes were crusted/boogered half-way shut, and he lost his appetite.  I took care of him as I normally would, but kept an eye on him.  The next morning, when I checked on him (I feed him at night because piggies are nocturnal..), he was much more alert, and his eyes were mostly cleared up.  When I fed him that night he was perfectly normal!  Do you know what this could have been?  Thanks in advance, and sorry about the lengthy question!

Hello Samm,

I am well, thank you for asking. Well, first of all, Guinea Pigs aren't actually nocturnal, though that's a common misconception. They are both diurnal and nocturnal. They are active during the day and at night and will sleep for short periods throughout the day and night as well. I do recommend continuing feeding him at night though because it will help keep him quiet. I sounds like he may have had scurvy (or possibly a different deficiency). Increase his vitamin c rich veggies and continue watching him for a bit longer. The fact that it got better with no real treatment other than continued regular care, it's unlikely it was more than that, but watch him to be sure. If it returns, you may want to take him to the vet to make there isn't something else going on and causing his deficiency, or possibly another illness entirely. The only thing that comes to mind with all of those exact symptoms is scurvy (other deficiencies will have the same symptoms as well, but scurvy is the most common deficiency in Guinea Pigs). Good luck. Hopefully with a bit of Vitamin C your boy will be just fine.

Hello Samm,

It sounds like it may be a URI this time. The only treatment for a URI is antibiotics and that means he'll have to see a vet because you can't get the meds anywhere else. When my piggies see the vet for URIs, it typically only costs about $35. They don't need much meds and a vet should be able to tell if it's a URI by just listening to the piggy's chest so no tests should have to be run. It really should be that expensive, just the regular office visit fee and probably about $5 or $6 for the meds. I would try to find a vet. Without antibiotics, URIs kill. I can give you advice for making him more comfortable, which I will, but they aren't a cure and won't make him well. You can help him breath easier by running a vaporizor or taking him into the bathroom with you while you take a hot shower. You should also start force feeding him if he won't eat. It's not fun and he won't like it, but it will keep him from becoming bloated (an extremely painful and deadly condition). Crush pellets, mix them with water and feed him with a syringe. Also, check for an impaction. Sometimes when a boar is ill, he'll become impacted and that would explain the stinky cage and piggy. Also crushed acidophilus (a supplement found in the vitamin section of the drug store) and vitamin c should be mixed with his mush. The Acidophilus helps replace good bacteria in his tummy (he'll have to have this if he does go to the vet and get put on an antibiotic). It's possible it isn't a URI, but even so, it still sounds like something that will require a vet's treatment. If it isn't a URI though, just giving supportive care may be enough so don't give up just because you can't get him to a vet (though if you can, do). Good luck. I'll be praying for him and I hope he's well soon, vet or no vet.


Hello Samm,

Usually you can feel a lump down around his genitals. Flip him over and gently open his anal sac and clean him out with a warm wet washcloth. A friend of mine has posted a step by step guide with a few pictures that I'll give you a link to.
