Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sammy


21 14:16:12

Sammy was left outside in afternoon by children.  Later that evening the guinea pig was found in the wet and under a thick bramble bush.  He was brought inside and given a warm drink.  However, there were some small puncture wounds some deep. He was unsteady on his feet and gave the overall impression that he was in a ste of shock.  Aoart from cleaning the wounds etc what immediate course of action would be required?  Please can you advise.  

Hi Diana

Keep Sammy warm and dry, putting him on top of a hot water bottle perhaps.

I personally would get the advice of a vet to make sure the wounds are not subject to infection.

Essentially, you need to encourage sammy to eat and drink to keep his strength up. Being cold and wet should be something that will be fixed by warmth, but if he shows any sign of continuing shock/lack of appetite, please consult a vet.
