Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Popcorning?


21 14:16:12

Hey Jules,

First off, thanks for your answer to the age question, I bought a scale and weighed my little guys the other day!

My little piggies have two different personalities.  Alvin is the older and more mellow one and Butters is the the slightly younger and much more hyper one.  Alvin will run around their cage every so often or chase Butters around as a game, but I have yet to see him popcorn.  Butters, on the other hand, loves to popcorn and does it all the time.  I figure it's just a difference in their personalities and want to make sure nothing is wrong with Alvin.  He never seems depressed or anything and just loves to cuddle with me whenever I take him out.  He's fine right?



Some Guinea Pigs popcorn a lot and some Guinea Pigs don't. Unsure why some popcorn and some don't. Though as they get older they popcorn less, so that may have something to do with it. Both my girls are old ladies but when they where younger one use to popcorn a lot and the other one didn't.

So Alvin is fine, he is just one of those Guinea Pigs doesn't popcorn. It is nothing to worry about and is normal.

I hope this helps,
   Take care,