Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > makes unusual sound while going to bathroom

makes unusual sound while going to bathroom

21 14:10:11

When Ester(my guinea pig)goes pee or poop she makes a sound. It is a sound she has never made till a couple of days ago. it only occurs while she goes. It is about a 5 sec. noise. Her feces looks normal and also her urine. Also how long does a cavy live and how can you tell the age. thank you

Hello Kim,

Let me start by saying that it is hard to tell a guinea pig's age if you are not an expert.  In school we learned to judge by teeth size however that is not always accurate.  Guinea pigs very in size based on a variety of situations.  Guinea pigs who are born 1 or 2 to a litter tend to be larger than average as guinea pigs born 5 or 6 to a litter tend to be smaller than average.  Secondly, it is not normal for a guinea pig to make noises while it goes to the bathroom.  I would take her to the vet as soon as you can as she may have a urinary infection.

Sorry I couldn't provide more information regarding age and I appreciate your question.