Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > suspicious lump?!

suspicious lump?!

21 14:24:23

Hi Kat,
I stumbled across this website on accident....I think I'm now hooked. I was looking for answers about this lump that came from out of the blue above my piggy's left eye. Her name is Grassy (lovingly given to her by my two year old at the time). She has no cagemates. Grassy is going on seven years, so she's slowing down a bit. She hasn't been eating as much in the last month or so, but I attributed that to her age. She has always had a huge appetite. Two days ago, I noticed this lump about where her eyebrow would be. It was the size of a large pea. I've kept my eye on it, and today it seems to be larger...the size of a small marble. It's also extremely warm to the touch. She's had no health problems prior to this. I've looked up all kinds of lumps and bunps...lipomas and such, but wanted to get some feedback.
Thanks so much for your time,

Hello Hillary,

Grassy is a lovely name. It sounds like an infection, possibly an abscess. It could be from an injury near her eye or it could even indicate a problem with her teeth. Because of her age, I would advise seeing a vet soon. Infections can quickly take their toll on older pigs. Heat is often a sign of infection so that is most likely. It could be a tumor but I think it's unlikely because, to my knowledge, tumors aren't usually any warmer than the rest of the body. Seeing the vet really is your best option for treatment as most infections require antibiotics that can only be acquired from a vet. Good luck. I hope Grassy is well again soon.
