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2 male guinea pigs and a divider

21 13:39:28

I have one male piggie that's 4 months old. If I get another male piggie will it be ok for them to share the same large c and c cage with a divider in between. They can see and smell each other but not touch. I'm afraid they won't get along so I won't to use a divider

That's the perfect habitat for two boars. At four months old your pig is already reaching sexual maturity, so adding another boar to his cage will cause territorial fighting.

Having them where they can see and touch noses gives them company but will prevent the disaster of a fight. Male animals in general are wired to one purpose and that's breeding. They view any other male as competition and a rival. The fighting between two rival males is brutal and often deadly.

You're doing the right thing for both of them.