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guinea pigs ear

21 14:18:38

inside my guinea pigs ear she has a block whereas on her other ear it is normal. my two other guinea pigs are fine, but it looks like they are starting to get it.
can you help me, or tell me what i can do?


This block is just extra ear wax and dirt in the ear, I use to own a Guinea Pig who had to have her ears cleaned out every week or so to keep them from getting blocked up.

You can either clean the ear yourself with a little cotton swab that people use to clean out their own ears with. When doing this you can't go to far down as you could hurt the hearing, just barely past the top part of the inside ears. If you don't feel comfortable about doing this you can take her down to the vet and have them show you how to clean it out.

All she needs is her ear cleaned out and then kept up so that the block doesn't return. But it isn't anything to really worry about, as Guinea Pigs don't have serious ear problems.

Take Care now,