Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Sexing my guinea pig?

Sexing my guinea pig?

21 14:27:40

Hello i have a 3 month old guinea pig. We were told it was male however upon first site it looks like a female, we then tested the theory by gently pressing around the area to see if a penis would portrue we got nothing. However if it is a female her genitals protrude a little more than they should Can you help me?

Also we dont no wat breed it is.
It os black and white (mainly white) with short smooth hair are you able to help?

Hello Melissa,

"He" very well could be a "she". A female's genitals will protrude slightly when pressed upon. If he is male, you will actually be able to feel the sheath just above his genitals in the area where you are supposed too be pressing. If he came from a pet store, they often are mistaken about gender. Males and females should actually look quite different at 3 months, so if you think he's a she, he probably is. Here is a helpful site for figuring out gender that may be able to help you.

Her breed depends on the country you are in. She sounds like a Broken Color American if you are in the US and a Broken Color English if you are overseas. She also sounds very beautiful.
