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My female Guinea Pig 22 months - Peppie

21 13:43:54


I took Peppie to the vet 3wks ago. She had stopped eating and seemed to be suffering with sharp squeak at times.
subscription was batryl, I've been feeding her every day, and gave her med.  2 days ago, she developed a rash under the chin and refused any type of food even liquid. too hard to swallow for her.
I took her back to the vet today, urine analysis, x-ray, her urine is brown.... could it be gallstones... she lost 220 grams within a few weeks. But my peppie is strong, she sometimes comes alive and leaks my hand after feeding.  Do you have any idea of what's wrong with her? Please help!!
Thank you

She may have bladder stones and that would cause the brown urine. The inability to swallow is something I can't even begin to guess about. It's possible she may be having a reaction to the medication, but I'm afraid this is something your vet needs to answer.

Bladder and kidney stones are very painful. That's probably why she is losing weight, because it's difficult to have an appetite when you're in pain. This is something that is extremely difficult and sometimes impossible to treat. The poor baby is hurting. It may be time for you to have a talk with the vet and ask him what the next step should be.