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handicapped baby

21 14:16:58

I had 3 baby piggies, 1 week and 2 days old now, one is blind, i have been supplement feeding him with dropper, but now discovered he has no teeth. Is this going to be a major problem as it grows and has to eat on his own? he tries to eat lettuce and hay now. Any thing special i can give him?


With him having no teeth he is going to have a hard time eating sold foods as he can't chew or grind the food down as needed.

I would recommend taking him down to see a exotic vet to get all the info you need on hand feeding him, especially if he never grows in teeth he is going to need to be hand feed or he will not make it to adulthood as he can't really chew or grind his food as needed. So you'll have to talk to your vet about the options have hand feeding and to see what the vet says about the chances of his teeth growing in.

I am sorry I couldn't offer you more help. I hope everything works out for you and the little guy.

Take care now,